Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the countdown is on for...

woot woot!! i seriously cannot wait for season five to start up tomorrow! we're having a party at my parents house--complete with pizza and everything. yes, we are all fanatics!
anyone else pumped for the premiere???


  1. Jessie! All of my old roommates are obsessed with Lost and I think I'll have to rent the seasons to get caught up. I've heard that I'd love it! Also, every time I think of groundhogs day I think of your mom. I remember asking her about it when we were little and she explained it all to me. I told Josh about it as I was changing our blog and he thought I was crazy! :)

  2. we are OBSESSED! but we actually wait until it comes out on dvd so we can watch it all in one chunk, so we just finished last season a couple days ago and LOVED it!
