Thursday, May 07, 2009

fridges and french fries

The Fridge from Hell... Michigan... actually it was made in China... actually idont really know where it was made but thats as good a guess as any! (Hell, Michigan is a place) (Jessie made me clarify that) thats what me and my seminary students say becuase they're so innocent and cute that they don't like saying the word "hell", so they add "Michigan" on the end. I love my seminary students! quite the intro eh? so our fridge is older than most of our moms (no offense mama) and ours had tons and tons of ice everywhere. in the freezer it snowed every time we got something out and brushed any part of it. in the fridge we had a glacier growing against the back wall. so on monday night i had this bright idea to take our fridge out front and defrost it the Argentine way (for those who served missions in south america know what im about to say). it took a kneeboard and lots of pulling to get our fridge slid out our door; it weighs mucho! once outside, i started filling pots of hot water from the tap and told jessie to start chucking hot water on all the ice. i equipped her with a screwdriver and a spatula to start chipping away at the ice. how ghetto is the argentine way?! yeah iknow! so after lots of splashing and chipping all the ice was magically gone. it only took half hour.... blah blah blah we got it back inside. we plugged it in and whaddya know... jessie now has a perm due to the electric shock that the fridge gave her! and her dumb husband wanted to find out if she was lying by grabbing the door handle which just so happens to be very metal. we are a very strange looking couple lately! (because of the perms). we checked the cord and wires and everything but it was just shocking us for no good reason. then we came back later that night and voila it was fixed. then today voila it was shocking again. and coolant is leaking in it. way to go danny and the argentine way! so we're in the market for a new, cheap, used fridge if you have any suggestions. now the big question is "will our baby come out with a perm?"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i secretly hope so. ps due to the fridge ihavent slept much, which could explain the randomness of this post.


  1. Look at garage sells from all the moving college students. And try the paper and Craig's list. PS, about your baby quiz, you need to ask Gramps. He is a pro at guessing, but we learned he needs to look at you and see first.

  2. Your fridge looked so sad it bit the dust! I voted for a girl, but I'm now thinking since Mike has two girls, maybe the McKinley's will have a boy. Hmm...nope. I'm sticking with my gut. A girl!

  3. Good grief, I hope everbody's OK after getting electrocuted!! I wonder what happened....

  4. Ha ha thats awesome! Check out the RC Willey Outlet. Every once in a while they'll have a fridge thats got a little ding on it and they knock the price way down. Its worth a shot :)

  5. Shouldn't your landlord replace the fridge??? You should ask. You can come look at sears...dunno how much you wanna spend, but I'll keep my eye out, and I could hook you up.
