Thursday, May 30, 2013

giddyup certain-steed!!

if you haven't already heard the exciting news over on facebook...
(the winner receives $75,000 to update the exterior of their home!!!!)

we had a blast making our movie & we would love to win (or at least make it into the top 10!)

if you have a minute, jump onto facebook and view our video & VOTE, vote, vote for us here!!
ps. voting can be done DAILY so feel free to help us out.


Monday, May 20, 2013

the darndest things

Kids really do say the funniest things. Over the last few days, I've been trying to write down all of the funny things that Max & Avery have said.

Maxwell Scott:

A few weeks ago, we got locked out of our house (thanks to Max!) We tried every single window, said multiple prayers, and finally walked down to the Police Station. The cop was super nice and helped us open up a window that was open (but super stuck!) Then, the other day when we were going for a walk, we almost got locked out again! When we made it back inside, Max said, "Mom, was that frustrated?"

The secretary at the Seminary (Lynelle) has turned into Max & Ave's "Nephi Grandma." When one of her friends died, she told Max about it, and how she went up to heaven. A few months ago, Avery let some balloons fly up into the sky. Ave thought it was funny; Max was traumatized! 
He often will say, "One of Nell's friends died and went up to heaven. Maybe she found our balloons!"

When we were planting our garden, he was such a great helper, shoveling dirt into his wheelbarrow and dumping it into the garden. 
After a while I said, "Max you are working so hard!" and he replied with, "Yes I am!"

"Can we go to the piggy bank to get a sucker?"


"Tacos like to go in the fridge. And salsa loves it."

Avery Mae:


I gave her a big bowl of fruit, and she said "Holy cow!"

She calls milk "noke." (Max called it "nope.")

She and Max play pirates and pretend there are crocodiles everywhere. Randomly throughout the day, she'll get a scared look on her face and practically yell, "Crocodiles eat ME!!!"


She can count to 10 all by herself, and recite a scattered version of the ABC's (she hears Max sing it all day long, and has picked up on bits and pieces.)

Ave loves to do somersaults (we never taught her, but she is really good!) and the other night she started trying to do the splits! (Where she sees these things I have no idea!)


She calls flip-flops "soup-sops."


Her favorite doll's name is Penny. I had to wash her the other day because of an accident she had during her nap. When she couldn't find Penny, she looked at me and said, "I want Penny Penn in my crib right this second!" (She wasn't mad, but it was very hard not to laugh!)


Friday, May 17, 2013

mothers day & the zoo

mothers day was a little bit different this time around. i was surrounded by mothers but my children were hundreds of miles away from me! in a way, it was lovely (and i appreciated them so much more when i did get to see them!) but it was a bit sad not to have them around on such a special day.

church was at nine, and when the building isn't right down the street, you have to leave 30 minutes early! something this utah girl isn't quite used to :) but it was great, and the girls sang so well in their primary program. mike even sang with the elders quorum! he was full of surprises this trip.

after church, we had lunch, lounged a bit and then headed to the temple! it was another gorgeous day. we walked around, ate a yummy snack of popcorn, and took more pictures :) 

the whole group, minus mike & bekah. love little lainey!

i just realized the above two pictures are almost identical! just with different grandparents :)

love each and every one of these special "moms" in my life! so thankful for them.

sunday night, we celebrated sally's 3rd birthday so while the girls were napping we set up another fancy banner and got the cupcakes assembled into a castle! i also got to skype with my sweet family!! highlight of my day right there.

monday morning (our last day in OK) we packed up, and then headed to the zoo! when i told max i was going to the zoo the night before, he was really sad he had to miss out, and wanted to come with me. but i've promised him a trip to the zoo this summer...not quite the same, but almost :)

i haven't been to a zoo in a few years and i was surprised at how much fun i had! i felt like a little kid again. we got to see a peacock "trumpet" (they are loud!) and spread out its feathers, big huge grizzlies swim and scratch their backs on a tree (just like baloo on the jungle book!), elephants do all sorts of tricks, and a baby monkey with one arm swing in a tree. i had a blast :)

two komodo dragons peering out the window :)

told you! just like baloo.

we were so close to them at one point! it was crazy. they look so nice & soft!!

waiting for the elephant show to start & enjoying some lunch

rhinos are awesome!

and just like that, we were back on the plane flying to the beautiful state of utah!! i sat next to a very chatty guy from washington who i was able to share a little bit of my testimony with! it was neat. i was really bummed that i didn't have a book of mormon with live and you learn! next time i fly, i will take one with me :)

by 7:45 pm i was reunited with my kids!!!! and it felt so good to be back.

congrats again, mike & bekah! so happy i was able to come celebrate with you.