Sunday, August 03, 2008


A- Attached or Single? most definitely attached
B- Best Friend? brittany olsen, lindsey hobbs, jenny pate, meagan steele, and my danny boy
C- Cake or Pie? banana cream pie! love that stuff.
D- Day of choice? wednesdays are great for mid-week boosts, but i also LOVE sundays
E- Essential item? my cell phone + camera. pictures are priceless.
F- Favorite color? green, hands down. any shade i adore.
G- Gummy bears or worms? little worms. every year in elementary school for my birthday treats i would bring worms n' dirt since my birthday is the day after april fools!
H- Hometown? provo, utah
I- Favorite Indulgence? any type of dessert. i have the biggest sweet tooth in the world. kisses from danny definitely "take the cake" though
J- January or July? JULY! the fourth is my all-time favorite holiday. nothing beats parades, bbqs, the sunshine, and fireworks
K- Kids? in danny's words, "4-5, sometime in the near future"
L- Life isn't complete without? sleep and danny. not together least not yet...
M- Marriage date? August 23, 2008
N- Number of brothers and sisters? 2 brothers, 2 sisters+1 sister-in-law
O- Oranges or Apples? ohh thats a toughie. oranges are spectacular around christmas time, but an apple with a little bit of caramel dip is heavenly.
P- Phobia and fears? phobias: spiders, bees, and mosquitoes. fears: at the moment my biggest fear is not getting everything ready in time for the wedding!! it's coming up SO quick!
Q- Quote? see the top of my blog
R- Reasons to smile? DANNY. seeing little laney and her crazy black indian hair. my family. chocolate. laying out. eating the perfect piece of watermelon. going for a run. finding an apartment in provo where there are MILLIONS of married couples. the list goes on and on.
S- Season of choice? summer.
T- Tag 3 people: brittany olsen, michelle aravena, kate lowe
U- Unknown fact about me: most people probably know this already, because i LOVE to tell everyone i meet, but i am one-sixteenth lebanese. not many people can say that!
V- Vegetable? fresh tomatoes from the garden. yummmmmm.
W- Worst Habit? procrastinating.
X - Ray or Ultrasound? i've never had either!
Y- Your favorite food? i love ALL food. i am not picky at all.
Z- Zodiac sign? Aries

1 comment:

  1. Jess I just want you to know that I had to cry myself to sleep last night because I didn't make it to your best friend list. But then Doug assured me that I am really at the top and you didn't want to offend anyone. J/K. I'm soooo excited for you to get married and can't wait either to be at your sealing.
