we made sure to read his talk entitled "an easiness and willingness to believe" from the sunday afternoon session of october conference. we read it like five times! He was such a nice guy, and as soon as we got there he made us feel welcome. i was still nervous as he cracked his first joke, to which jessie laughed and i kinda went heh heh, at which point he said "that was a joke. thanks for laughing jessie" (dangit again! thought i).
he actually student taught a ninth grade class a few years ago and commented on how much he loved teaching seminary. now he has a more broad calling to teach a lot more people. he spoke of the great love president Monson has for the youth of the church and how much he cares about who teaches them. it was humbling.
as we walked out he joked about how four of the members of the quorum of the twelve are on his floor, since they have to keep a close eye on him. i suggested we go and act lost at a couple doors. he didn't think that was very funny (dangit times infinity! thought i). it was a privilege meeting with one of the Lord's special servants. We know he is a man of God.
I'm glad you guys were able to make it to that stage. It's easy to obsess about all the little things that may have felt awkward but I'm sure that overall the interview went very well - how could it not have with you two? P.S. Is that a giant cauldron in the background of the picture? It really is Hogwart's!