If your on Instagram, I'm sure you've noticed that everybody is doing Whole30. Well, I'm always one to try out new diets, so we decided to give it a try. If you've never heard of Whole30 before, it's basically a detox/cleanse diet for thirty days: no dairy, no grains, no sugar (or sweeteners of any kind), and no beans. (Am I forgetting anything?! Hah!) I spent a good chunk of our Spring Break planning meals and reading up about the new diet. I mainly wanted to give it a try because Graham was having a lot of digestive issues and though everyone told me he was just "colicky" I felt like it was mostly my diet that was to blame.
So, we began! Danny was gung-ho to give it a try with me and we did really, really awesome. For seven days. But then I felt like my milk supply was decreasing, and we didn't feel that great. I realize that maybe we didn't give it enough of a chance, but I wasn't willing to risk it. Plus, for me, I felt like it was not in line with the Word of Wisdom. I'm not a huge meat person to begin with, but without beans & grains, I was not filling up. And the eggs?! Oh my goodness. I normally love eggs. But eggs with basically every meal? No thanks.
I'm still off dairy though because in that regard, I feel like Graham is pretty much cured! He is doing so much better. His baby acne cleared up and he doesn't screaaaaam in pain anymore. Hallelujah! Also, going off sugar was really eye-opening. Sugar is in EVERYTHING!!!!! Overall, it was a pretty good experience. It definitely helped me to be more creative in the kitchen and we ate more veggies than we normally do. Buuut, it's probably not something that we'll ever do again :)
Eggs with spinach & chia pudding (This was one of my favorite discoveries; Danny hated it though!)
Spaghetti squash with sauce, brussels sprouts (the kids loved them!), carrots & fruit salad
Quiche // homemade tomato soup with a green drink & side of veggies
Lots of salads were consumed during that week. And avocados! Yummm.
Kale chips (the kids & I loved these!) // more eggs :)
Baked sweet potato bar with cashew cream // veggie curry (thanks Kim!) with a side of guac & root chips. So delish.