Monday, July 20, 2009

{the big 30}

since i will be 30 weeks on wednesday...i thought ya'll would like an update on the little baby growing inside my belly.

i couldn't be happier with the way this pregnancy has gone so far. it is one miraculous event taking place within my body. our little boy has found his way up to my rib cage {awesome} and he LOVES showing his mommy just how hard he can kick.

we set up his crib tonight...and it is starting to feel that much more real. in two months we will have a brand new precious baby boy. wow.


  1. Whoa. I commented on your last post and when I got back on your blog this one was on! Apparently we're on blogger at the same time. Anyways, Your belly is awesome and this kid will be here so soon!

  2. Loving your post!!

    Where did you find a crib? Take some pics girl!

    PS you look fantastic!!!

  3. Oh I'm so sorry about the foot in the ribs! Hayden did the same thing and I thought I was going to die! Your blog is the cutest and we love keeping up with what you are doing.

  4. Jesse you look great! That is so exciting! Congratulations!

  5. You look SO GOOD!!!! Ah, it's exciting! I hope everything is getting worked out with your place to live! Oh, and I was going to ask you, where do you get your hair done (highlighted)?

  6. You really are the cutest pregnant girl ever. We are getting so excited to meet little max.

  7. Cutest pregnant woman ever. You look so good!! I am so excited for you.

  8. can I please be as cute as you and look as good as you do when I get pregnant?? I'd really appreciate that : )
    Love you!

  9. So cute!! I love finally getting to the point of looking pregnant rather than..."Wow.... you've gained some weight in the mid-section!" :) You look so good, I hope by 30 weeks I'm that cute! I love checking off each week knowing that we are that much closer too! Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing though and has been such a blessing! I'm glad it has gone well for you, can't wait to meet your little guy!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. you look so good!!! Such a cute small baby bump! I cant believe you are already 30 weeks. time flies!
